Built for speed and clarity

All you need to create an amazing Help Guide or a Knowledge Base for your Saas Users.

Full Benefits

User Search

Analyze latest user searches and improve your app and content.

User Reactions

Gather user reactions and further improve your Guide.

User Contact

Subsection suggests topics to the user as they're contacting support.

Various themes

Select a theme from our ever growing collection and switch to a new layout quickly.

Fully supported

We're here to help you succeed. Reach out by saying hi@subsection.io.

Your content

Your guide is yours. Subsection is just a tool that helps you run a hosted guide.

Multiple guides

Create as multiple guides within a single account. Set individual settings for each.

Your custom domain

You can connect your own domain. A free SSL certificate is included right out of the box.

On-site SEO ready

We've taken care of on-site SEO so you can focus on your writing and ranking higher.

Nothing to install

There's nothing to install. Once you register, you can publish your first post in minutes.

No coding required

Everything is ready out of the box. You don't have to code anything on your own.

Free SSL certificate

Your guide comes with its very own SSL certificate that is ready within a minute.

Hosting included

No need to pay extra. We run on fast and dedicated servers that run 100% on green energy.

Related topics

Include similar topics at the end of each topic and suggest to your readers what to read next.


Organize your topics in various sections and give your readers a way to further filter your posts.

Your analytics

Include any third-party scripts that you need to appear at the end of every page of your guide.


Your sitemap is automatically updated every time you publish a new topic via Subsection.

RSS Feed

Your guide comes with a ready-to-use RSS feed which others can use with their RSS readers.

Advanced Features

Customizable CSS

Change colors and your current theme by implementing changes to your existing styles.

Your Fonts

Link up your own font libraries without having to use your current theme's chosen fonts.


Edit and change your robots.txt file and "Allow" or "Disallow" crawl bots any sections.

Header code injections

Inject any code in the header that repeats on every page and further enhances your guide.

Footer code injections

Similar to header code injections, you can include any piece of code to appear throughout.

Article code injections

For times when you need to inject a specific piece of code on article pages only.

Non-auth JSON API

Your guide generates JSON files which your can easily call from any external build.

And there's more...

Continuous improvements

We are constantly on the lookout for new innovations so we can apply these latest trends and techniques to Subsection and pass on the very latest in tech to our clients.

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